photo gallery

the happy blogger

the happy blogger

Hanna the mushroom picker

Hanna the mushroom picker

our chanterelle stash

our chanterelle stash

chanterelles and sherry

chanterelles and sherry



drying fresh hazelnuts

drying fresh hazelnuts

rising bread

rising bread


comforting fresh bread

comforting fresh bread

chanterelle mushroom galette

chanterelle mushroom galette

Derrie's creative cake crown

Derrie’s creative cake crown

dried chanterelles

dried chanterelles



roasting tomatoes

roasting tomatoes

roasted tomato sauce

roasted tomato sauce

gotta love that forest

gotta love that forest

apple cake with caramel

apple cake with caramel

apple cake

apple cake

caramel corn with belgian chocolate

caramel corn with belgian chocolate

Tessa Kiros Cookbook

feta and chickpea salad

feta and chickpea salad

the sausage makers

the sausage makers

the fisherman

the fisherman

My Son: The Baker

Hearty Vegetable Soup

bc ferries

bc ferries

what a view

what a view

delicious vegetable soup

delicious vegetable soup

my girl the hunter

my girl the hunter

nice rack

nice rack

a modelling clay neuron

a modelling clay neuron




Bellingham Harbor

Bellingham Harbor

Bike riding at Lake Padden

Bike riding at Lake Padden

Oasis on Fairhaven city lot

Oasis on Fairhaven city lot

the not so big yard

the not so big yard

rhubarb and blueberries

rhubarb and blueberries

the chicken coop

the chicken coop

My city lot oasis

My city lot oasis

beauty in the garden

beauty in the garden

yard at Lake Paddenb

yard at Lake Paddenb

felted oven mitts

felted oven mitts

vitamin N

vitamin N

oven mitts

felted acorn decorations

felted acorn decorations

off for a fall walk

off for a fall walk

food co-op in Marquette

food co-op in Marquette

a sweater in the works

a sweater in the works


farmer's market finds

farmer’s market finds

image image image image image image

roasting the turkey carcass before boiling

roasting the turkey carcass before boiling

image imageimage

must start knitting

must start knitting

snowy roads

snowy roads

a fall snow

a fall snow

 'our temporary home'

‘our temporary home’

Fall or Winter?

Fall or Winter?

the streets cape in fall

the streets cape in fall

sugarloaf mountain view

sugarloaf mountain view

Downeast Maine Pumpkin Bread

Downeast Maine Pumpkin Bread



fall and winter together

fall and winter together


yum yum

yum yum

sockeye fillet for dinner

sockeye fillet for dinner

mom and son

mom and son

view over Lake Superior

view over Lake Superior

our view over Lake Superior

our view over Lake Superior

ingenious strawberry planting in a cafe yard

ingenious strawberry planting in a cafe yard

spring in the okanagan

spring in the okanagan

a christmas walk

a christmas walk

we love the outdoors

we love the outdoors

don't waste that carcass

don’t waste that carcass

roasted turkey bones

roasted turkey bones

simmer the roasted turkey bones

simmer the roasted turkey bones

strain the bones

strain the bones

turkey broth

turkey broth


a beautiful forest path

a beautiful forest path

the canyon at Campbell River

the canyon at Campbell River

there's mushrooms in there

there’s mushrooms in there

pear lavender preserve from late summer pear harvest

pear lavender preserve from late summer pear harvest

Pear, Brown sugar, Cardamom Preserve

Pear, Brown sugar, Cardamom Preserve

a cup of tea and time

a cup of tea and time

0 0 0 IMG_0489 IMG_0490 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 IMG_0497 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 IMG_0497 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 IMG_0506 IMG_0505 IMG_0504 IMG_0503 IMG_0502 IMG_0501 IMG_0500 IMG_0499 IMG_0498 IMG_0497 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 IMG_0515 IMG_0514

Hanna and the forest

Hanna and the forest

IMG_0512 IMG_0511 IMG_0510 IMG_0509 IMG_0508 IMG_0507IMG_0516 IMG_0518 IMG_0519 IMG_0520 IMG_0521 IMG_0522

My family celebrating my graduation.

My family celebrating my graduation.

ready for a night by the fire

ready for a night by the fire

Hanna's latest art work

Hanna’s latest art work

Hanna the hiker 0 IMG_0528 IMG_0527 IMG_0526 IMG_0524 IMG_0523

Behind me all the way

Behind me all the way

IMG_0611 IMG_0610 IMG_0454 IMG_0887 IMG_0007 IMG_1034 unnamed IMG_1936 IMG_1938 IMG_1939 IMG_1940 IMG_1943 IMG_1942 IMG_1941 IMG_1944 IMG_1946 0 IMG_1947 unnamed unnamed unnamed unnamed unnamed unnamed unnamed photo unnamed unnamed unnamed unnamed unnamed unnamed unnamed unnamed unnamed unnamed unnamed unnamed unnamed unnamed unnamed unnamed unnamed unnamedunnamed

Thimble Cookies with Chocolate Pear Jam

Thimble Cookies with Chocolate Pear Jam

bread rising

bread rising

The mincemeat

The mincemeat


Mincemeat Tarts

Mincemeat Tarts

my own dried cherries and figs

my own dried cherries and figs

apples from our tree

apples from our tree

Dance Tunes remind me of my friend Derrie.

Dance Tunes remind me of my friend Derrie.

the finished product

the finished product

winter apples

winter apples

IMG_0745 unnamed unnamed unnamed

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